Saturday, October 25, 2008

Amerika Akan Atasi Krisis Keuangan

Para pejabat Amerika membahas rumusan rencana untuk membantu bank-bank yang terlilit kredit bermasalah di tengah krisis ekonomi dunia. Berikut laporan wartawan BBC Justin Webb:

A comprehensive approach backed by legislation - that is what the US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, said he was hoping would be the result of last night's meeting on Capitol Hill.

The deal is not yet done but senior administration officials say they will keep at it for as long as it takes, and the leaders of the Republicans and the Democrats in the House of Representatives both suggested that agreement was close.

What they want to do is allow financial institutions to hand all the toxic loans that are at the heart of the financial meltdown to a newly created repository - in effect a nationalisation of all the bad debt.

The details of the plan are vague but there is a sense that the authorities need to find a way of getting a grip on this crisis - to convince everyone that the nation's politicians understand the gravity of the situation and will do whatever it takes to bring it under control.

Justin Webb, BBC News, Washington

A comprehensive approach
cara menyelesaikan masalah dengan menagnai setiap segi dan/atau penyebabnya

backed by legislation
di sini, ketika undang-undang diberlakukan untuk untuk membuat rencana penyelamatan keuangan itu berjalan lebih baik dan lebih cepat

keep at it
di sini, melanjutkan, atau tetap terus menangani kesepakatan penyelamatan

it takes
di sini, diperlukan

to hand
menyerahkan, memberi seseorang kewenangan atau tanggungjawab atas sesuatu

toxic loans
pinjaman berisiko tinggi, yaitu, ketika orang menarik uang dalam jumlah besar meski tidak mampu melunasi, dan menimbulkan 'kredit macet'

at the heart of
alasan utama

kegagalan menyeluruh, kebangkrutan, khususnya yang terkait urusan keuangan

tempat sesuatu dikumpulkan dan disimpan

getting a grip on
mencengkeram, mengendalikan, mengontrol

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